Feria A Spanish Comedy edition by NE David Literature Fiction eBooks

It’s late September and in the little town of Orecha it is time for the annual festival. But a terrorist has hijacked the paella van, the Chief of Police is drunk and The Mayor is having an affair with a flamenco dancer – all of which leaves Pepe in charge. Pepe – young, handsome, and desperately in love with Rosita...
Feria A Spanish Comedy edition by NE David Literature Fiction eBooks
I loved this book. Not often that I laugh aloud while reading but I did with this.I lived in Southern Spain for 6 years and this bought it all back to me.
It really was a comedy and would make a lovely TV show.
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Tags : Feria - A Spanish Comedy - Kindle edition by N.E. David. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Feria - A Spanish Comedy.,ebook,N.E. David,Feria - A Spanish Comedy,Stairwell Books,FICTION Humorous,HUMOR General
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Feria A Spanish Comedy edition by NE David Literature Fiction eBooks Reviews
This very silly story was a lot of fun, exactly the right length for the material, fun descriptive writing. I thoroughly enjoyed reading it, and liked the ending very much as well. I liked the importance the author lent to silly events in the story, as well as the description of the plot from various perspectives.
I loved this book. Not often that I laugh aloud while reading but I did with this.
I lived in Southern Spain for 6 years and this bought it all back to me.
It really was a comedy and would make a lovely TV show.
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