The Story Book of Science Jean Henri Fabre

Fabre had many scholarly achievements. He was a popular teacher, physicist, chemist, and botanist. However, he is probably best known for his findings in the field of entomology, the study of insects, and is considered by many to be the father of modern entomology. Much of his enduring popularity is due to his marvelous teaching ability and his manner of writing about the lives of insects in biographical form.
The Story Book of Science Jean Henri Fabre
I was nervous about ordering because of all the reviews stating the print was not great. I bit the bullet and planned to return it if I couldn't read the type but found absolutely nothing wrong with it. It is exactly the quality I would expect for any new book. We are excited to begin using it in our summer studies with our homeschooled children. The language is one of the primary reasons we chose this book. Our oldest is preparing for high school this fall and expanding his vocabulary will benefit him greatly come SAT/ACT testing time. I have no doubt that the little ones will be engaged with the story and will naturally develop a broader vocabulary by hearing the exquisite language read aloud and discussed.Product details

Tags : The Story Book of Science - Kindle edition by Jean Henri Fabre. Download it once and read it on your Kindle device, PC, phones or tablets. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading The Story Book of Science.,ebook,Jean Henri Fabre,The Story Book of Science,Start Publishing LLC
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The Story Book of Science Jean Henri Fabre Reviews
Kinda boring to read to my boys. Informative but boring at times.
Bad copy. I had to look up the words that did not print online and add by hand
While I'm sure this is a good book, and a good story that weaves in useful information, the translation is so poor that whole passages can not be understood. The edition that I bought was translated using a machine, and only about 70% of it can be understood. I will return.
My 11 year old and I are enjoying this book right now as part of his living science curriculum. We finished reading a chapter about ants and some of their interesting habits and the next day my son came inside from playing and told me he had observed the ants doing as the book described. Inspires curiosity! Great!
Filled with big bold adjectives and short informative chapters, this book has become a family favorite. I wish there were more pictures, but as seeing the book was written in the 1850’s it’s understandable why they are so few. This book has generated a lot of family discussion and we have found short YouTube videos when we have wanted more info. This book is great for the homeschool family or those children interested in science and those children who are not, but may come to love science because of this book.
I think this is a great intro to living science. Our family is not faith-based, so we mostly skip over the mentions of a creator, however I don't think that takes away anything for us - lots of scientific information in each chapter. We're a quarter of the way through the book and each story opens up many conversations. We are enjoying it.
I really wish this had pictures!!! So many of the stories do a nice job of describing nature and scientific wonders, but you have no picture to look at. For example, we are reading the section about the parts of a flower (pistil, stamen, etc...) and since there are not pictures, I have to stop and look these up online so my kids can get a visual. Maybe there is a different version of this book that includes pictures. Also, the chapters are extremely hard to find. I finally started underlining them when they pop up in the middle of a paragraph. Overall I like the concept of an Uncle teaching his niece and nephews about God's creation through real life stories, but this book is a bit of a challenge because of the way it was printed.
I was nervous about ordering because of all the reviews stating the print was not great. I bit the bullet and planned to return it if I couldn't read the type but found absolutely nothing wrong with it. It is exactly the quality I would expect for any new book. We are excited to begin using it in our summer studies with our homeschooled children. The language is one of the primary reasons we chose this book. Our oldest is preparing for high school this fall and expanding his vocabulary will benefit him greatly come SAT/ACT testing time. I have no doubt that the little ones will be engaged with the story and will naturally develop a broader vocabulary by hearing the exquisite language read aloud and discussed.

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