I Am Presence Diamond Heart Energy Activation Workbook Brian T Roberts 9780990755081 Books

To fully experience the Diamond Heart activations, download and listen to the free audio recordings of the 12 meditations. Download instructions are found in the book.
Sound vibration is one of the strongest ways to trigger activations so it is recommended that you listen to the mp3’s for your activations and use this workbook as secondary support.
Diamond Heart Energy Activations are a 21st century multidimensional energy application for humanity. They harness the subtle energy of the Sun and Earth and access the Power of the I AM, activating the codes, programs and DNA strands and move an individual towards greater self-awareness and expression. It is a lot like wind over the water, or the sense of love in the heart . . . you cannot see it directly, but there are tangible effects that are visible.
.Life Seed is a blending of the Father/Electrical/Solar energies and the magnetic/soundwave/ mother energies brought forth by our collective I AM Presence for the Ascension, Resurrection, Illumination and Awakening of all humanity.
I Am Presence Diamond Heart Energy Activation Workbook Brian T Roberts 9780990755081 Books
I have been through the 12 Diamond Heart Energy Activations (twice!) and was there at the beginning, both before and after the the creation of the CD's (now the MP3s). I AM a true believer in the power and energy of the meditations, and especially when I AM receiving body and energy work. The relaxation of the body helps me to absorb the subtle energies. Although they are always in the field surrounding us, we are often too busy to notice/enjoy them.My kids and I gave a copy of the "I AM meditation" to a young man who was troubled. We suggested he listen every day for 30 days, which he did. This really made a great difference in his life. Being in alignment with our higher self, or "I AM Presence", is key.
Brian has done all the work for us, with his vast experience. There is a lot of material here...transformation happens with this program!!
Product details

Tags : I Am Presence: Diamond Heart Energy Activation Workbook [Brian T Roberts] on Amazon.com. *FREE* shipping on qualifying offers. <b>To fully experience</b> the Diamond Heart activations, download and listen to the free audio recordings of the 12 meditations. Download instructions are found in the book. Sound vibration is one of the strongest ways to trigger activations so it is recommended that you listen to the mp3’s for your activations and use this workbook as secondary support. Diamond Heart Energy Activations</i> are a 21st century multidimensional energy application for humanity. They harness the subtle energy of the Sun and Earth and access the Power of the I AM</i>,Brian T Roberts,I Am Presence: Diamond Heart Energy Activation Workbook,AyniWrite Press,0990755088,BODY, MIND & SPIRIT Inspiration & Personal Growth
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I Am Presence Diamond Heart Energy Activation Workbook Brian T Roberts 9780990755081 Books Reviews
After purchasing this book, one needs to email the author for the MP3 downloads of the activations. For me, this package is excellent value. I find the recordings most relaxing and encouraging, and the energy contained in them builds from week to week (12 activations, do one per week). The activations promote spiritual healing and protection by uniting with one's I AM Presence.
I seem to be progressing well at the moment, thanks to Brian's help. I now have more energy and alertness, and am doing my best to detox as much as possible. I found the 6th invocation particularly good, and shall be starting the 7th on Sunday.
Get this book and start enjoying living your life to your fullest potential.
Much thanks and praise.
I love this book and what it does for me. Brian did a remote clearing for and he was able to remove 4 different entities attached to my head and core. The back of my head was itching for days Brian removed the entity from the back of my head and the itching has stopped. This man and this book are truly unique and special asset to help one achieve a higher existence! Thanks again Brian!
The best thing that happened for me was a quantum flow of creativity! My art came alive, I started painting and started doing portraits and never would have guessed I would ever do that prior to working with the Diamond Heart activations. I love working with the activations and I try to work with the I AM Meditation on a daily basis. As a Reiki practitioner, I love doing Reiki and the Diamond Heart for friends and family! There is so much material here, that to stay in a flow of doing and reviewing with my clients this way is a bonus for the healing work that I do. Thank you, Brian.
I have known Brian for many years and had been to his Wellness/Chapel/Center in Seattle.
He has been my favorite body worker for years and he has a full time habit of chasing the quantum characters........Guru’s Etc, I brought him to a program on Friday Harbor with a Lama that was visiting and he jumped right in. I received a Diamond Heart Energy Activation from Karin and Brian my daughter as well. I noticed there is something of a “focussed light” going on so, now that the workbook and Activationsare here, well, i guess I ll give it a go.
I am impressed that he got the cost down from 175 to 25 dollars for the book and 12 MP3’s
I have been through the 12 Diamond Heart Energy Activations (twice!) and was there at the beginning, both before and after the the creation of the CD's (now the MP3s). I AM a true believer in the power and energy of the meditations, and especially when I AM receiving body and energy work. The relaxation of the body helps me to absorb the subtle energies. Although they are always in the field surrounding us, we are often too busy to notice/enjoy them.
My kids and I gave a copy of the "I AM meditation" to a young man who was troubled. We suggested he listen every day for 30 days, which he did. This really made a great difference in his life. Being in alignment with our higher self, or "I AM Presence", is key.
Brian has done all the work for us, with his vast experience. There is a lot of material here...transformation happens with this program!!

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